Achilles tendon pain

The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon ligament in the body. It connects the calf muscles with the heel bone. Injury or overuse of the Achilles tendon can lead to painful symptoms. Athletes or people who walk or stand a lot are often affected by pain in the Achilles tendon.

Symptoms of pain in the Achilles tendon

Achilles tendon pain can manifest itself in a number of ways. Most common are swelling, stiffness and pain in the heel – especially in the morning after getting up or after sitting for a long time. If such symptoms exist, mobility and strength in the heel may also be reduced. In more severe cases, rupture (injury/tear) of the Achilles tendon can occur.

There are several options for treating pain in the Achilles tendon. One may consider medical treatments such as immobilization, massage, and physical therapy. In addition, a healthy diet and adequate exercise can help relieve pain and reduce the risk of further injury.

Achilles tendon pain cause and treatment methods physiotherapy practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Pain Achilles tendon – Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Treatment of pain in the Achilles tendon

Depending on the severity of the Achilles pain, treatment may vary. For minor injuries, RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is often sufficient. Physical therapy also helps restore heel mobility and strength. More severe injuries may require surgery, although seeing a qualified physical therapist can often prevent surgical procedures.

Achilles tendon pain cause treatment methods physiotherapy practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Treatment Achilles tendon pain – Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

It is important to get to the bottom of initial symptoms promptly to forestall serious injury and take immediate action to heal.

Achilles tendon pain cause treatment methods physiotherapy practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Treatment Achilles tendon pain – Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Preventive measures

To avoid injuries to the Achilles tendons, warming up and stretching before exercise is essential. Comfortable and cushioned shoes also help reduce the risk of injury.

Those who exercise regularly should expand their sports program with regular stretching and strength exercises. These support the flexibility and strength of the Achilles tendon and reduce the risk of serious injury.

Stretching exercises for pain in the Achilles tendon

Achilles tendon pain can be very bothersome, but there are many ways to treat it. Prompt action can allow recovery, as well as reduce the risk of further injury. A combination of RICE therapy, physical therapy and preventive measures can restore heel strength and relieve or eliminate pain.

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