Fascia training

Fascia training Berlin Mitte

Targeted stimulation of the muscular connective tissue

Fascia pervades our entire body. They envelop our muscles, fibers, bones and every organ. So they are responsible for the stability of our entire musculoskeletal system.

An unhealthy lifestyle that is associated with a lack of exercise, stress and / or poor nutrition, excessive strain or injuries, e.g. after operations or accidents, lead to the fasciae sticking, twisting or matting.

In order to keep the body healthy and powerful in the long term, fascia training is at least as important as strength and endurance training. Back and joint pain, stiff body parts, sports injuries or pain are often due to stiff, brittle or damaged fascia.

Schedule an appointment

You want to get fit and healthy? We will help you quickly and without complications! Call us and make an appointment at short notice in our practice for physiotherapy.

+49 30 54 88 11 77

Caution: Although the fasciae are automatically trained during exercise, the connective tissue is often overloaded because it grows more slowly than the muscles. Fascia training therefore aims to complement normal strength and endurance training in such a way that the growth of connective tissue and muscles is optimally coordinated and overloads are avoided. Classic stretching exercises train the fascia chains, springy movement exercises eliminate twisting of the fascia and massage units as well as the use of rollers stimulate the connective tissue externally and thus relieve hardening and tension.

With ease and flexibility through everyday life and sport – regular fascia training increases body awareness and makes the body flexible, powerful and stable.

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