3 exercises to improve hip mobility

Anyone who is exposed to long working hours in the office or who does regular sports, such as jogging or cycling, will surely know this: The hip cracks, feels blocked or hurts even when walking slowly. In the worst case, the pain doesn’t only affect the hip joint itself, but also the back and knees. The symptoms and discomfort are often attributed to carier fatigue of the cartilage, which is either severely overstrained or underchallenged. In order to counteract wear and tear of the hip cartilage, it is necessary to act quickly and purposefully – and this is already possible with simple exercises from home!

With regular stretching and relaxation exercises, the joint fluid inside the hip joint can be reactivated and you return to your original and natural hip mobility. But first of all, it is important to understand how the hip works and why it is important to keep it mobile and flexible with regular movement sequences.

The hip

The hip joint is the second largest joint in humans. Together with the pelvis and the thigh bone, it enables people to move with their legs.

Hip Pelvis Stability Physiotherapy Berlin Mitte

As a ball joint, the hip joint links the pelvis to the thigh bone, allowing the thigh to move in all directions. If the mobility of the hip is reduced, there is either a blockage or restriction of the joint fluid, which is located inside the hip joint and acts as a lubricant between the hip head and pan. If the function is limited, excessive friction occurs, which can lead to long-term wear of the joints. Symptoms range from difficulties in standing, sitting or walking to pain that can affect not only the hip itself, but also the knees or back. In order to prevent symptoms or to counteract existing ones, regular exercises that focus on promoting hip flexibility and mobility can help.

These exercises help to relieve hip pain

Whenever your hip feels stiff and blocked, small motion sequences can help restore its mobility. The goal is to relax the joints to effectively counteract hip pain. Changing stress and relief movements improve hip mobility and reduce blockages as well as wear and pain. The exercises can be performed in the morning after getting up, in between in the office or as a warm-up before sports.

The more regularly the exercises are repeated, the more mobile and powerful the hip becomes. If the hip joint is flexible, each step feels equally carefree and the body gains lightness and momentum.

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