3 exercises against neck pain

Neck pain and tension in the neck area often occur in people who have to work long hours in front of the computer. While seated, the spine is often in an awkward position and the shoulders tend to point forward, as typing on the keyboard tempts the upper body to curve, especially the thoracic spine. The rounded posture as well as the lack of movement lead to tension and pain in the cervical spine and thus in the neck area. It takes regular training to avoid neck pain permanently.

Stretching against neck pain

Sit upright on the edge of a chair and face forward with your head. Take a mirror to help you if you cannot assess whether your upper body is in an upright position. Now reach your right arm to the left side of your head and stretch the right cervical muscles. While doing this, breathe deeply in and out and try to increase the stretch progressively.

Three exercises for neck pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
Three exercises for neck pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Repeat the same on the other side. Now feel into your neck and do the exercise again. 5 times per side is sufficient per unit.

Head circling to reduce neck pain

Overstretched neck muscles need one thing above all else: loosening up. Stand upright and hip-width apart, with your shoulders and arms pointing down toward the floor. Now slowly circle the head starting on the right side. Be sure to do the circular motion slowly and deliberately for effective loosening. Circle the head several times in both directions and you will notice a relaxation immediately afterwards, which – with repeated training – will prove its worth.

Strengthening the chest muscles

Due to bent sitting activities, there may be a shortening of the chest muscles, which try to compensate for the non-upright posture under tension. The constant tension causes pain and pressure in the neck and shoulder area. To create relaxation, it helps to stretch the chest muscles and relieve the other muscles. To do this, stand upright and extend both arms upwards . Hold this position for a few seconds.

3 exercises against neck pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
3 exercises against neck pain Physiotherapie Praxis Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

Try to keep your shoulders down to create an effective stretch. Lower both arms afterwards and shake through to relax your body.

All these exercises can be done in between and without effort. Try incorporating these into your daily routine to effectively address your neck pain. Besides regular workouts, exercise in general helps. Even if your job keeps you at a desk, it’s good to go for a walk, bike ride or swim. Massages can also lead to relaxation.

3 exercises neck pain physiotherapy practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch
3 exercises neck pain physiotherapy practice Berlin-Mitte Christian Marsch

However, if neck pain persists, a visit to a physical therapist can reveal the cause and initiate appropriate therapy. Pay attention to your body’s signals and react in time to keep your musculoskeletal system healthy.

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